The following pictures are some of the ones I took at the time of the devastating fires we endured in Victoria in February. These were taken from various points on the back patio of my house. As I look again at these pics, the memories of those terrible days, the 50 degree celcius heat, the cyclonic winds and the loss of life and property many people endured, all flood back. It was a scenario we Victorians will never forget.
Since February, we have had earthquakes, destructive storms and rapid changes in our weather.
Many of us are starting to wonder what is next???
Here in the south east, we have been getting major storms and cyclonic winds coming up from the Arctic, and up the north of Oz, they have been sweltering with record breaking heat and some bushfires.
The earthquakes in New Zealand (our 'brother/sister country neighbour, as some call it) have brought them closer to us apparently :)